

NurseryPeople is a place where people can find plants and the wholesale nurseries that grow them.

Decisions 3

Christopher Wray

Web Developer at Soltech LLC

This week, we finally released In the end, I chose to provision our server on DigitalOcean. So far, I am SO happy with that decision. Although setting everything up was a challenge, and I learned a lot, DigitalOceans blogs helped in so many ways. I was able to set up nginx and the Laravel web app pretty smoothly. I am also using Buddy for deploying changes made in git, which is super awesome. All I have to do in order to deploy is push my code to my private repo, and buddy transfers everything over to DigitalOcean. So far, we haven't had any downtime and DigitalOceans prices are quite fair for the power under the hood.

14 172.8K

Christopher Wray

Web Developer at Soltech LLC

When I started on this project as the sole developer, I was new to web development and I was looking at all of the web frameworks available for the job. I had some experience with Ruby on Rails and I had looked into .net for a bit, but when I found Laravel, it felt like the best framework for me to get the product to market. What made me choose Laravel was the easy to read documentation and active community. Rails had great documentation, but lacked some features built in that I wanted out of the box, while .net had a ton of video documentation tutorials, but nothing as straightforward as Laravels. So far, I am happy with the decision I made, and looking forward to the website release!

6 390.8K

Christopher Wray

Web Developer at Soltech LLC

When I first released NurseryPeople, a website to help landscapers find plants from wholesale plant suppliers, I provisioned everything myself and set up the CI/CD with Buddy. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to integrate zero-downtime deployments, and so I decided that I would use Envoyer.

So far, I have really liked how Envoyer handles the deployments completely and the costs were lower for the number of deployments I was doing each month.

3 2.4K