

Government Simplified.

Decisions 2

Matt Menzenski

Senior Software Engineering Manager at PayIt

Grafana and Prometheus together, running on Kubernetes , is a powerful combination. These tools are cloud-native and offer a large community and easy integrations. At PayIt we're using exporting Java application metrics using a Dropwizard metrics exporter, and our Node.js services now use the prom-client npm library to serve metrics.

16 995.7K

Matt Menzenski

Senior Software Engineering Manager at PayIt

We were looking for a tool that we could leverage for automating our response to common issues — handling an item that a background process had failed into a dead-letter queue, for instance. We needed something that integrated with our broader platform, so support for querying MongoDB or PostgreSQL databases, support for making HTTP calls to REST endpoints, and we were also looking for something with a barrier to entry as low as possible. We ended up finding which seemed purpose built for our exact use case. We started using Ruby specifically to use this library and it's been going well so far. Ruby's obviously a widely used programming language and we've been able to use the mongo driver and other libraries to integrate with our platform to solve our use case.

10 11.3K