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Socket.IO vs ably: What are the differences?

Introduction Socket.IO and Ably are two popular real-time messaging platforms used for building real-time applications. While both platforms serve the same purpose, there are several key differences that set them apart.

  1. Scalability: One major difference between Socket.IO and Ably is their approach to scalability. Socket.IO relies on a single-threaded event loop model, where the server can only handle a limited number of connections at a time. Ably, on the other hand, utilizes a distributed architecture with a globally distributed network of data centers, allowing for effortless scalability and handling massive amounts of concurrent connections.

  2. Reliability: Another significant difference is in terms of reliability. Socket.IO relies on various transport protocols and falls back to different mechanisms in case of connectivity issues. However, it is prone to connection problems and unreliable in certain situations. Ably, on the other hand, provides built-in reliability features like automatic reconnection, message recovery, and fallback mechanisms, ensuring that messages are delivered reliably even in unpredictable network conditions.

  3. API Design: Socket.IO and Ably have distinctive API designs. Socket.IO provides a simple and straightforward API with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. It offers several options and configurations to customize the behavior of real-time communication. Ably, on the other hand, has a well-defined API design with a comprehensive set of features and capabilities. It offers advanced features like presence management, history, and channels, making it suitable for complex real-time applications.

  4. Usage Patterns: Socket.IO is commonly used for building real-time chat applications, gaming applications, and collaborative tools. It is well-suited for scenarios where simplicity and ease of use are of utmost importance. Ably, on the other hand, is designed to handle real-time data at scale and is suitable for applications that require high reliability, multi-region presence, and guaranteed message delivery.

  5. Ecosystem and Integrations: Socket.IO has a larger developer ecosystem and a vibrant community of contributors. It has extensive client-side support and is compatible with a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. Ably, although smaller in terms of community size, offers robust integrations with popular frameworks and platforms like React, Node.js, Python, etc. It also provides additional features like event tracking and analytics.

  6. Pricing Model: Socket.IO offers a free open source version that can be self-hosted and works well for smaller projects. However, for larger projects or enterprise-level usage, Socket.IO provides commercial licensing options with additional features and support. Ably, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive pricing model that scales based on usage, providing flexibility and cost-efficiency for both small and large-scale projects.

In Summary, Socket.IO and Ably differ in terms of scalability, reliability, API design, usage patterns, ecosystem, and pricing model, offering developers various options based on their specific requirements.

Advice on Ably and Socket.IO
Needs advice

We are starting to work on a web-based platform aiming to connect artists (clients) and professional freelancers (service providers). In-app, timeline-based, real-time communication between users (& storing it), file transfers, and push notifications are essential core features. We are considering using Node.js, ExpressJS, React, MongoDB stack with Socket.IO & Apollo, or maybe using Real-Time Database and functionalities of Firebase.

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Replies (3)
Timothy Malstead
Junior Full Stack Developer at Freelance · | 7 upvotes · 470.9K views

I would recommend looking hard into Firebase for this project, especially if you do not have dedicated full-stack or backend members on your team.

The real time database, as you mentioned, is a great option, but I would also look into Firestore. Similar to RTDB, it adds more functions and some cool methods as well. Also, another great thing about Firebase is you have easy access to storage and dead simple auth as well.

Node.js Express MongoDB Socket.IO and Apollo are great technologies as well, and may be the better option if you do not wish to cede as much control to third parties in your application.

Overall, I say if you wish to focus more time developing your React application instead of other parts of your stack, Firebase is a great way to do that.

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Hello Noam đź‘‹,

I suggest taking a look at Ably, it has all the realtime features you need and the platform is designed to guarantee critical functionality at scale.

Here is an in depth comparison between Ably and Firebase

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Hey Noam,

I would recommend you to take a look into 8base. It has features you've requested, also relation database and GraphQL API which will help you to develop rapidly.

Thanks, Ilya

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Pros of Ably
Pros of Socket.IO
  • 8
  • 7
    Highly reliable
  • 6
  • 6
    Massive scalability
  • 6
    Great technical support
  • 5
    Channel Presence
  • 5
    Free plan
  • 5
    Channel History
  • 5
    Message queueing
  • 5
    Global cloud network of data centers
  • 4
  • 4
  • 4
    Consistently high performance
  • 4
    Third-party cloud integrations
  • 219
  • 143
  • 141
    Event-based communication
  • 102
    Open source
  • 102
  • 26
    Binary streaming
  • 21
    No internet dependency
  • 10
    Large community
  • 6
    Push notification
  • 5
    Ease of access and setup
  • 1

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Cons of Ably
Cons of Socket.IO
    Be the first to leave a con
    • 12
      Bad documentation
    • 4
      Githubs that complement it are mostly deprecated
    • 3
      Doesn't work on React Native
    • 2
      Small community
    • 2
      Websocket Errors

    Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

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    What is Ably?

    Ably offers WebSockets, stream resume, history, presence, and managed third-party integrations to make it simple to build, extend, and deliver digital realtime experiences at scale.

    What is Socket.IO?

    It enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. It works on every platform, browser or device, focusing equally on reliability and speed.

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    Blog Posts

    Jan 7 2020 at 5:09PM

    Ably Realtime

    Oct 3 2019 at 7:13PM

    Ably Realtime

    What are some alternatives to Ably and Socket.IO?
    Pusher is the category leader in delightful APIs for app developers building communication and collaboration features.
    PubNub makes it easy for you to add real-time capabilities to your apps, without worrying about the infrastructure. Build apps that allow your users to engage in real-time across mobile, browser, desktop and server.
    Firebase is a cloud service designed to power real-time, collaborative applications. Simply add the Firebase library to your application to gain access to a shared data structure; any changes you make to that data are automatically synchronized with the Firebase cloud and with other clients within milliseconds.
    SignalR allows bi-directional communication between server and client. Servers can now push content to connected clients instantly as it becomes available. SignalR supports Web Sockets, and falls back to other compatible techniques for older browsers. SignalR includes APIs for connection management (for instance, connect and disconnect events), grouping connections, and authorization.
    SocketCluster is a fast, highly scalable HTTP + realtime server engine which lets you build multi-process realtime servers that make use of all CPU cores on a machine/instance. It removes the limitations of having to run your Node.js server as a single thread and makes your backend resilient by automatically recovering from worker crashes and aggregating errors into a central log.
    See all alternatives