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Airflow vs Wrangle: What are the differences?


Apache Airflow and Wrangle are both powerful tools used in data processing and workflow automation. While both serve similar purposes, there are key differences between the two that set them apart for specific use cases.

  1. Programming Language Support: Apache Airflow is written in Python and supports Python-based development for creating workflows. On the other hand, Wrangle is designed for SQL-based data transformations, making it ideal for users comfortable with SQL queries and transformations.

  2. Workflow Visualization: Airflow provides a user-friendly web interface for visualizing and monitoring workflows. It offers a graphical representation of tasks and their dependencies, making it easier for users to understand workflow processes. Wrangle, on the other hand, focuses more on the data transformation aspect and may not offer the same level of workflow visualization capabilities as Airflow.

  3. Community Support and Ecosystem: Apache Airflow has a large and active community, with a wide range of plugins and integrations available to extend its functionality. It also has a well-established ecosystem that users can leverage for various data processing tasks. Wrangle may have a smaller community and ecosystem compared to Airflow, potentially limiting the available resources and support for users.

  4. Real-time Data Processing: Airflow is well suited for orchestrating batch processing workflows and managing ETL tasks. It may not be the optimal choice for real-time data processing due to its batch-oriented nature. Wrangle, on the other hand, may offer functionalities that are better suited for real-time or near real-time data processing scenarios.

  5. Learning Curve: Airflow can have a steeper learning curve for beginners due to its complex configuration and setup process. Wrangle, being more focused on SQL-based transformations, may be easier for users familiar with SQL to pick up and start using without a significant learning curve associated with workflow scheduling and orchestration tools like Airflow.

  6. Scalability: Apache Airflow is known for its scalability and can handle large volumes of data processing tasks. Its distributed architecture and task parallelization capabilities make it suitable for handling big data workflows. Wrangle, while efficient for specific data transformation tasks, may not offer the same scalability features as Airflow for managing complex and large-scale workflows.

In Summary, Apache Airflow and Wrangle differ in their programming language support, workflow visualization, community support, real-time data processing capabilities, learning curve, and scalability, making them suited for different use cases based on specific requirements.

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Pros of Airflow
Pros of Wrangle
  • 51
  • 14
    Task Dependency Management
  • 12
    Beautiful UI
  • 12
    Cluster of workers
  • 10
  • 6
    Open source
  • 5
    Complex workflows
  • 5
  • 3
    Good api
  • 3
    Apache project
  • 3
    Custom operators
  • 2
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    Cons of Airflow
    Cons of Wrangle
    • 2
      Observability is not great when the DAGs exceed 250
    • 2
      Running it on kubernetes cluster relatively complex
    • 2
      Open source - provides minimum or no support
    • 1
      Logical separation of DAGs is not straight forward
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      What is Airflow?

      Use Airflow to author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks. The Airflow scheduler executes your tasks on an array of workers while following the specified dependencies. Rich command lines utilities makes performing complex surgeries on DAGs a snap. The rich user interface makes it easy to visualize pipelines running in production, monitor progress and troubleshoot issues when needed.

      What is Wrangle?

      It is easy drag-and-drop process automation for busy teams. We improve efficiency for recurring team-to-team handoffs, like customer and employee on-boarding, sales quote approval, and contract management. We do this by documenting, automating, and tracking your core processes, keeping the workflow moving via Slack, email, and over 2000 other apps. Wrangle ensures faster-decision making, accountability, and better performance in any process, all with no coding necessary.

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