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Advice on Airtable, butterdb, and xlwings
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I'm trying to set up an ideally "no- code" way to have a backend of 3 different tables and be able to find a value in table #3 (contains businesses & cities) by first finding a record in table #1 (7,000+ zip codes) that corresponds to a city (table #2 has the unique cities), and then finding which businesses are located in these cities ( in this specific, original zipcode lookup). And return the business and a description via an API to a front-end results page, which happens to be a WordPress page - but doesn't need to be. I've tried Airtable's API, AirPress (a finicky WordPress plugin for Airtable's API), and I've looked at Sheetsu and a similar spreadsheet as backend and a simple API. I run into the issue where they work fine when you just need to query 1 table, but when you need to use the result from that query in another query to a different table. I'm back in SQL land - where sure it could be done with SQLite - needing to probably create an intersection table or a JOIN and build an API off of that. Is there a way to accomplish what I want without going back to SQL queries and some API?

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Replies (2)
Max Musing
Founder & CEO at BaseDash · | 5 upvotes · 56.3K views

You're right that there isn't a great way to join tables with Airtable's API. The closest you can get is to use a linked record field, which acts as a pointer to another record. You still end up with the problem you mentioned of having to run another query on the second table separately.

Your best bet is to stick with an actual SQL database. Using an ORM should make your life significantly easier so you don't actually have to write raw SQL. If you still want a graphical interface to your data, BaseDash lets you view and edit SQL databases just like Airtable. A full API with join support is coming soon, so that could be your perfect solution to this problem.

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vikas vimal

Let me introduce you to integromat. It connects these services without you having to work any code. And it even has a decent database built inside it.

It makes is an easy process to develop multistep workflows with multiple services and it’s free tier is surprisingly functional.

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Pros of Airtable
Pros of butterdb
Pros of xlwings
  • 19
    Powerful and easy to use
  • 8
    Robust and dynamic
  • 6
    Quick UI Layer
  • 4
    Practical built in views
  • 3
    Robust API documentation
  • 0
    Great flexibility
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      Cons of Airtable
      Cons of butterdb
      Cons of xlwings
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          • 3
            Very slow and still needs VBA for UDFs

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          What is Airtable?

          Working with Airtable is as fast and easy as editing a spreadsheet. But only Airtable is backed by the power of a full database, giving you rich features far beyond what a spreadsheet can offer.

          What is butterdb?

          butterdb is a library to help you work with Google Spreadsheet data. It lets you model your data as Python objects, to be easily manipulated or created.

          What is xlwings?

          Replace your VBA code with Python, a powerful yet easy-to-use programming language that is highly suited for numerical analysis. Supports Windows & Mac!

          Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

          What companies use Airtable?
          What companies use butterdb?
          What companies use xlwings?
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            What tools integrate with butterdb?
            What tools integrate with xlwings?
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              Sep 29 2020 at 7:36PM


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              What are some alternatives to Airtable, butterdb, and xlwings?
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              Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
              Jira's secret sauce is the way it simplifies the complexities of software development into manageable units of work. Jira comes out-of-the-box with everything agile teams need to ship value to customers faster.
              A tool that simplifies the way teams work together - Manage workload, track projects, move work forward, communicate with people - Adopt a management tool that people actually love to use, one that's fast, and easy to use.
              It is an intuitive online project management tool enabling teams to increase productivity using cloud, collaboration, & mobile technologies. It provides your organization with a powerful work platform that offers exceptional speed to business value
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