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Akamai vs Amazon Route 53: What are the differences?


In this article, we will discuss the key differences between Akamai and Amazon Route 53, which are both widely used services for managing and optimizing website traffic.

  1. Global Network Coverage: Akamai is known for its extensive global network coverage, comprising numerous servers strategically located in data centers around the world. This allows Akamai to deliver content to end-users from the server that is closest to their location, thereby reducing latency and improving overall website performance. On the other hand, Amazon Route 53 is a domain name system (DNS) web service that provides scalable and reliable DNS for routing end users to website endpoints. While Route 53 operates globally with multiple edge locations, its primary focus is on DNS management rather than content delivery.

  2. Service Options: Akamai offers a wide range of services beyond content delivery, such as cloud security, web application firewall, and DDoS protection. These additional services enhance website security and performance. In contrast, Amazon Route 53 primarily focuses on domain name system management, including domain registration, DNS routing, health checks, and traffic policies. While Route 53 does not provide the same level of additional services as Akamai, it integrates well with other AWS services, making it a popular choice among AWS customers.

  3. Traffic Routing: Akamai uses a complex algorithm called Adaptive Acceleration to intelligently route website traffic based on real-time network conditions, content popularity, and user location. This dynamic routing capability ensures optimal website performance and minimizes congestion. In contrast, Amazon Route 53 provides several routing policies such as simple, weighted, latency-based, geolocation, and failover routing. These policies allow users to define how traffic is distributed among different resources and endpoints based on various factors like geographic location, latency, and health checks.

  4. Ease of Use: Amazon Route 53 is designed to be user-friendly and integrates seamlessly with other AWS services. Its intuitive interface, comprehensive documentation, and APIs make it easier for developers and system administrators to manage DNS settings and domain names. Akamai, on the other hand, typically requires more specialized knowledge and expertise to set up and configure due to its broader range of services and advanced features. It may require more dedicated resources to manage and maintain Akamai configurations effectively.

  5. Scalability and Pricing: Both Akamai and Amazon Route 53 offer scalable solutions, but they have different pricing models. Akamai charges based on the amount of data transferred and additional services used, making it suitable for high-traffic websites with complex needs. On the other hand, Amazon Route 53 offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on the number of queries made and hosted zones, which may be more cost-effective for smaller websites or those primarily focused on DNS management.

  6. Integration with Cloud Providers: While Amazon Route 53 is seamlessly integrated with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings, making it easier to manage DNS and web services within the AWS ecosystem, Akamai can be integrated with a variety of cloud providers, including AWS. This flexibility allows users to choose the cloud provider that best suits their needs while still benefiting from Akamai's content delivery and security services.

In Summary, Akamai offers a global network coverage with additional services beyond content delivery, utilizing complex routing algorithms. Amazon Route 53, on the other hand, focuses primarily on DNS management and integrates well with other AWS services, providing scalable and cost-effective solutions.

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Pros of Akamai
Pros of Amazon Route 53
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 185
    • 148
    • 103
      Backed by amazon
    • 76
    • 54
      Auhtoritive dns servers are spread over different tlds
    • 29
      One stop solution for all our cloud needs
    • 26
      Easy setup and monitoring
    • 20
    • 17
    • 15
    • 3
      API available
    • 1
      Dynamically setup new clients
    • 1
      Easily add client DNS entries.

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    Cons of Akamai
    Cons of Amazon Route 53
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 2
      • 2
        Geo-based routing only works with AWS zones
      • 1
        Restrictive rate limit

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      What is Akamai?

      If you've ever shopped online, downloaded music, watched a web video or connected to work remotely, you've probably used Akamai's cloud platform. Akamai helps businesses connect the hyperconnected, empowering them to transform and reinvent their business online. We remove the complexities of technology, so you can focus on driving your business faster forward.

      What is Amazon Route 53?

      Amazon Route 53 is designed to give developers and businesses an extremely reliable and cost effective way to route end users to Internet applications by translating human readable names like into the numeric IP addresses like that computers use to connect to each other. Route 53 effectively connects user requests to infrastructure running in Amazon Web Services (AWS) – such as an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer, or an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket – and can also be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS.

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      Blog Posts

      What are some alternatives to Akamai and Amazon Route 53?
      Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected to the Internet.
      Fastly's real-time content delivery network gives you total control over your content, unprecedented access to performance analytics, and the ability to instantly update content in 150 milliseconds.
      Google Cloud CDN
      Google Cloud CDN leverages Google's globally distributed edge caches to accelerate content delivery for websites and applications served out of Google Compute Engine. Cloud CDN lowers network latency, offloads origins, and reduces serving costs. Once you've set up HTTP(S) Load Balancing, simply enable Cloud CDN with a single checkbox.
      API management, design, analytics, and security are at the heart of modern digital architecture. The Apigee intelligent API platform is a complete solution for moving business to the digital world.
      It provides complete cyber security by protecting what really matters most—your data and applications—whether on-premises or in the cloud.
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