Amazon Kinesis vs Azure Stream Analytics

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Amazon Kinesis

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Azure Stream Analytics

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Amazon Kinesis vs Azure Stream Analytics: What are the differences?

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  1. Data Processing Capabilities: Amazon Kinesis is known for its real-time streaming data processing capabilities, allowing users to ingest, process, and analyze large streams of data in real-time. On the other hand, Azure Stream Analytics provides real-time analytics and complex event processing on multiple streams of data. It allows users to develop and implement complex event processing logic using a SQL-like query language.

  2. Integration with Cloud Ecosystem: Amazon Kinesis is tightly integrated with the AWS ecosystem, making it easy to integrate with other AWS services such as S3, Redshift, and Lambda for data storage, analytics, and processing. In comparison, Azure Stream Analytics seamlessly integrates with other Azure services like Azure Blob Storage, Azure Event Hubs, and Azure Functions, enabling users to build end-to-end solutions within the Azure platform.

  3. Pricing Model: Amazon Kinesis offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on the amount of data ingested, processed, or stored, providing flexibility for users to scale their services based on their needs. On the contrary, Azure Stream Analytics offers a similar pay-as-you-go pricing model but also includes a free tier with limited capacity, making it more accessible for users to get started with real-time analytics.

  4. Scalability and Performance: Amazon Kinesis is designed to handle large amounts of streaming data, providing high scalability and performance for real-time data processing tasks. Azure Stream Analytics also offers scalability and performance but is optimized for processing smaller streams of data within the Azure cloud environment.

  5. Developer Tools and Monitoring: Amazon Kinesis provides a range of developer tools and monitoring capabilities, including Kinesis Data Analytics for real-time querying and analysis of streaming data. Azure Stream Analytics offers similar developer tools and monitoring features such as Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics for managing and monitoring real-time data processing workflows.

  6. Geographic Availability: Amazon Kinesis is available globally across multiple AWS regions, allowing users to deploy their streaming data processing pipelines closer to their data sources for low-latency processing. Azure Stream Analytics is also available globally in multiple Azure regions, providing users with the flexibility to deploy their real-time analytics solutions closer to their data sources for improved performance.

In Summary, Amazon Kinesis and Azure Stream Analytics differ in their data processing capabilities, integration with cloud ecosystems, pricing models, scalability and performance, developer tools and monitoring, and geographic availability.

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      What is Amazon Kinesis?

      Amazon Kinesis can collect and process hundreds of gigabytes of data per second from hundreds of thousands of sources, allowing you to easily write applications that process information in real-time, from sources such as web site click-streams, marketing and financial information, manufacturing instrumentation and social media, and operational logs and metering data.

      What is Azure Stream Analytics?

      As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality.

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        Jul 2 2019 at 9:34PM


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        What are some alternatives to Amazon Kinesis and Azure Stream Analytics?
        Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design.
        Apache Spark
        Spark is a fast and general processing engine compatible with Hadoop data. It can run in Hadoop clusters through YARN or Spark's standalone mode, and it can process data in HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Hive, and any Hadoop InputFormat. It is designed to perform both batch processing (similar to MapReduce) and new workloads like streaming, interactive queries, and machine learning.
        Amazon SQS
        Transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. With SQS, you can offload the administrative burden of operating and scaling a highly available messaging cluster, while paying a low price for only what you use.
        Amazon Kinesis Firehose
        Amazon Kinesis Firehose is the easiest way to load streaming data into AWS. It can capture and automatically load streaming data into Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift, enabling near real-time analytics with existing business intelligence tools and dashboards you’re already using today.
        Firehose is both a Rack application and JavaScript library that makes building real-time web applications possible.
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