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Apache HTTP Server vs GlassFish: What are the differences?


Apache HTTP Server and GlassFish are both popular web server software used to host websites. While both serve similar purposes, there are several key differences between the two.

  1. Architecture: Apache HTTP Server is based on a modular architecture, allowing users to select and configure only the required modules for their specific needs. On the other hand, GlassFish is a full-featured Java EE application server that provides a complete platform for developing, deploying, and running Java applications.

  2. Supported Technologies: Apache HTTP Server primarily supports static content (HTML, CSS, images) and can be extended with various scripting languages like PHP, Python, and Perl. GlassFish, being a Java EE application server, supports a wide range of Java technologies and specifications, making it suitable for hosting Java-based web applications.

  3. Administration and Configuration: Apache HTTP Server typically requires manual configuration and administration through editing configuration files. In contrast, GlassFish provides a graphical administration console that simplifies the management tasks and allows for easier configuration and deployment of applications.

  4. Community and Support: Apache HTTP Server has a large and active community, with a wealth of documentation, forums, and resources available. GlassFish also has a community, but it is relatively smaller compared to Apache HTTP Server. As a result, finding support and resources for Apache HTTP Server is generally easier.

  5. Performance and Scalability: Apache HTTP Server is known for its high-performance and scalability, especially in handling static content and low-demand scenarios. GlassFish, on the other hand, is optimized for Java-based web applications and can handle higher loads and dynamic content more efficiently.

  6. Licensing: Apache HTTP Server is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, which allows for free use and modification of the software. GlassFish, however, is dual-licensed under both the CDDL (Common Development and Distribution License) and GPL (GNU General Public License), which may have implications for commercial usage and distribution.

In summary, Apache HTTP Server is a lightweight, modular web server suitable for hosting static content and supporting various scripting languages, while GlassFish is a full-featured Java EE application server optimized for hosting Java-based web applications. Apache HTTP Server has a larger community and easier administration, while GlassFish offers better support for Java technologies and higher scalability.

Advice on and GlassFish

I am diving into web development, both front and back end. I feel comfortable with administration, scripting and moderate coding in bash, Python and C++, but I am also a Windows fan (i love inner conflict). What are the votes on web servers? IIS is expensive and restrictive (has Windows adoption of open source changed this?) Apache has the history but seems to be at the root of most of my Infosec issues, and I know nothing about nginx (is it too new to rely on?). And no, I don't know what I want to do on the web explicitly, but hosting and data storage (both cloud and tape) are possibilities. Ready, aim fire!

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Replies (1)
Simon Aronsson
Developer Advocate at k6 / Load Impact · | 4 upvotes · 670.4K views

I would pick nginx over both IIS and Apace HTTP Server any day. Combine it with docker, and as you grow maybe even traefik, and you'll have a really flexible solution for serving http content where you can take sites and projects up and down without effort, easily move it between systems and dont have to handle any dependencies on your actual local machine.

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Needs advice
Apache HTTP ServerApache HTTP Server

From a StackShare Community member: "We are a LAMP shop currently focused on improving web performance for our customers. We have made many front-end optimizations and now we are considering replacing Apache with nginx. I was wondering if others saw a noticeable performance gain or any other benefits by switching."

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Replies (3)

I use nginx because it is very light weight. Where Apache tries to include everything in the web server, nginx opts to have external programs/facilities take care of that so the web server can focus on efficiently serving web pages. While this can seem inefficient, it limits the number of new bugs found in the web server, which is the element that faces the client most directly.

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Leandro Barral

I use nginx because its more flexible and easy to configure

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Christian Cwienk
Software Developer at SAP · | 1 upvotes · 638.5K views
Apache HTTP ServerApache HTTP Server

I use Apache HTTP Server because it's intuitive, comprehensive, well-documented, and just works

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Decisions about and GlassFish

I was in a situation where I have to configure 40 RHEL servers 20 each for Apache HTTP Server and Tomcat server. My task was to 1. configure LVM with required logical volumes, format and mount for HTTP and Tomcat servers accordingly. 2. Install apache and tomcat. 3. Generate and apply selfsigned certs to http server. 4. Modify default ports on Tomcat to different ports. 5. Create users on RHEL for application support team. 6. other administrative tasks like, start, stop and restart HTTP and Tomcat services.

I have utilized the power of ansible for all these tasks, which made it easy and manageable.

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What is GlassFish?

An Application Server means, It can manage Java EE applications You should use GlassFish for Java EE enterprise applications. The need for a seperate Web server is mostly needed in a production environment.

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