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Balsamiq vs Framer: What are the differences?

  1. Pricing Model: Balsamiq follows a one-time purchase model, where users buy the software once and can use it indefinitely without any subscription fees. On the other hand, Framer features a subscription-based model, offering monthly or annual plans with different pricing tiers based on the user's needs and usage frequency.

  2. Prototyping Capabilities: Balsamiq is focused on wireframing and quick sketching of user interfaces, making it suitable for early-stage design concepts and rapid prototyping. Framer, on the other hand, is a more robust prototyping tool that allows for high-fidelity interactions, animations, and complex user flows, making it ideal for advanced interactive prototypes and user testing.

  3. Learning Curve: Balsamiq is known for its simple and easy-to-use interface, making it user-friendly for designers of all skill levels, especially beginners. In contrast, Framer has a steeper learning curve due to its advanced features and coding capabilities, targeting more experienced designers and developers who are comfortable with coding.

  4. Collaboration Tools: Balsamiq offers basic collaboration features such as sharing and commenting on designs with team members, suitable for small design teams or individual designers. Framer provides more comprehensive collaboration tools, including real-time collaboration, version control, and design system integrations, making it better suited for larger design teams working on complex projects.

  5. Integration with Design Tools: Balsamiq integrates well with popular design tools like Sketch and Adobe XD, allowing designers to seamlessly transfer wireframes and designs between the applications. Framer, on the other hand, is a standalone tool that offers limited integration with other design software, requiring users to create prototypes directly within the Framer environment.

  6. Platform Support: Balsamiq is available as a desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux, offering offline usability and flexibility in terms of operating systems. Framer, on the other hand, is a web-based tool that can be accessed through a browser on any platform, providing greater convenience for collaborative work and accessing designs on the go.

In Summary, Balsamiq focuses on simple wireframing with a one-time purchase model, while Framer offers advanced prototyping capabilities with a subscription-based model, catering to different design needs and skill levels.

Advice on Balsamiq and Framer
Joey van Gessel
Design & Growth Engineer at Joey van Gessel Design · | 4 upvotes · 5.9K views
Needs advice


I want to prototype an app for a school project. I need to test the app from a distance, so it's multiple user tests from different locations when I'm only there online. What do you think is the best combination of tools available? I want to record the user sessions. It should be responsive on different viewports for phones, and it's should be interactive (e.g., testers can actually type in a text box).

Thanks in advance for your advice, looking forward to it. Please also tell me the "why" behind the choice. - Joey

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Replies (1)
Christopher Izuchukwu Amadi
UI/UX Designer at Chris Amadi · | 4 upvotes · 4K views

Hey Joey, I would advise you to use framer. It lets you create realistic prototypes and this allows you to capture usage especially errors from form inputs in a realistic manner as compared to static screens. With framer, you can easily connect to user testing apps such as by the click of a button, run your tests and get the best feedback possible.

I hope this helps.

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Pros of Balsamiq
Pros of Framer
  • 71
    Useful mockups
  • 60
    Easy to use
  • 51
    Very useful & simple
  • 19
    Good looking
  • 15
    It helps my creative work
  • 4
    Integrate with Confluence and JIRA
  • 2
    For layouts with deadlines
  • 18
    Great for prototyping
  • 6
  • 5
    Fast idea validation
  • 3
    Integrates right with Photoshop

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What is Balsamiq?

Balsamiq Mockups is a web tool that allows users to mock up different designs and ideas quickly and easily. Balsamic Mockups is similar to drawing mockups, but it is digital

What is Framer?

Framer is a JavaScript framework that makes creating realistic prototypes a breeze – complete with filters, spring physics and full 3D effects. Framer Generator is a desktop app that imports the resources and folder hierarchy from Photoshop files (Sketch coming soon). Import your design and immediately start to add interaction and animation.

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What are some alternatives to Balsamiq and Framer?
Easily create complex shapes with our state-of-the-art vector boolean operations and take advantage of our extensive layer styles.
Adobe XD
A vector-based tool developed and published by Adobe Inc for designing and prototyping user experience for web and mobile apps.
It is a code-based design tool that merges design and engineering into one unified process. Thanks to conditional interactions, variables, state-based animations, and powerful expressions, you can build prototypes that feel like the real thing. In other words, anything that's on the web can be accurately prototyped in UXPin.
A web application microframework for Rust
Evolus Pencil
It is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular desktop platforms.
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