Bitrix24 vs Trello

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Bitrix24 vs Trello: What are the differences?

Introduction: Bitrix24 and Trello are two popular project management tools that offer various features to help teams collaborate and work efficiently.

  1. User Interface: Bitrix24 has a more complex and feature-rich user interface compared to Trello. It offers a wide range of tools and options for project management, communication, and collaboration. On the other hand, Trello has a simple and intuitive user interface that focuses on Kanban boards and cards, making it easier for users to organize and prioritize tasks.

  2. Integration: Bitrix24 offers extensive integration options with other tools and services, including CRM, email marketing, telephony, and more. Trello, while also providing integrations, may not offer as wide a range as Bitrix24. Bitrix24 aims to be an all-in-one solution for businesses, while Trello focuses more on task management and collaboration.

  3. Task Management Features: Bitrix24 offers advanced task management features such as task dependencies, task templates, and Gantt charts, making it suitable for complex projects with multiple dependencies. In contrast, Trello focuses on simplicity and flexibility, providing basic task management features such as checklists, due dates, and labels.

  4. Collaboration Tools: Bitrix24 includes communication tools like chat, video conferencing, and document sharing within the platform, making it convenient for teams to collaborate in real-time. Trello, while supporting team collaboration through comments and attachments, may not offer the same level of communication features as Bitrix24.

  5. Customization Options: Bitrix24 allows users to customize workflows, fields, and reports to suit their specific business needs, offering a high level of customization. Trello, on the other hand, provides limited customization options, mainly focusing on customizing boards, lists, and cards.

  6. Pricing: Bitrix24 offers a free plan for up to 12 users with limited features, while its paid plans are priced per user per month. Trello also has a free plan with basic features, but its paid plans are priced differently, based on a per user per month or per user per year model, making it more flexible for individual or team needs.

In Summary, Bitrix24 and Trello differ in terms of user interface complexity, integration options, task management features, collaboration tools, customization options, and pricing.

Advice on Bitrix24 and Trello
Needs advice

I'm comparing Aha!, Trello and Asana. We are looking for it as a Product Management Team. Jira handles all our development and storyboard etc. This is for Product Management for Roadmaps, Backlogs, future stories, etc. Cost is a factor, as well. Does anyone have a comparison chart of Pros and Cons? Thank you.

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Replies (1)
Max Stuart
Technical Project Manager at ShelterTech · | 6 upvotes · 216.1K views

I just switched to ClickUp for my development agency - I am the product team, and I relay everything there betwixt designers, devs, and clients.

Clickup = Jira + Confluence but better - more ways to slice and dice your data & documents, make custom views, mind map relationships, and track people's work, plan goals... I even use it to manage project finances and household to-dos.

They have a very comprehensive free tier that never expires, and on top of that they're extremely generous with trials of their paid features, have more-than-fair pricing, and top-notch customer support.

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Decisions about Bitrix24 and Trello
Ivan Begtin
Director - NGO "Informational Culture" / Ambassador - OKFN Russia at Infoculture · | 5 upvotes · 214K views

Both Asana and Trello support Kanban style project tracking. Trello is Kanban-only project management, knowledge management, actually card-management tools. Asana is much more complex, supports different project management approaches, well integrated and helpful for any style/type project.

We choose Asana finally, but still some projects kept in Trello

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Abhay Vashishtha

Procezo is an excellent free-for-life task managing tool with several benefits. Its clear, user-friendly interface is perfect for small businesses and startups as well as enterprise-level use. It makes it a seamless transition from any other project management tools. Its simple but effective layout allows new users to quickly adapt to its ever-expanding set of features. Procezo allows users to create boards and provide access to users or teams as required, set priority and precedence of the task and allowing for subtasks and discussions to be created. With unlimited tasks, users, projects and free support, Procezo is quickly making its way into businesses from across the world and the ultimate growth hack tool.

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I loved Slack. We used it for discussion. But somehow, it was always difficult to get things done. HeySpace is what replaced Slack and Trello as it combines the functionality of both tools.

So, now we keep on discussing as we did on slack, but once we to a point where we want to do something, we create tasks on a board and distribute them.

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Ram Kumar
CTO, Architect at · | 2 upvotes · 166.9K views

trello has a much simpler interface and easy to learn for any team member. asana might have more features and configuration options but do you really need a complex system for developers to manage tasks?

After Microsoft took over trello, it has become more restricted these days but still good for startups.

Keep it simple! Focus on your product, not tools.

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Pros of Bitrix24
Pros of Trello
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 715
      Great for collaboration
    • 628
      Easy to use
    • 573
    • 375
    • 347
    • 237
    • 215
    • 169
    • 126
      Fun user interface
    • 83
      Snappy and blazing fast
    • 30
      Simple, intuitive UI that gets out of your way
    • 27
    • 21
      Clean Interface
    • 18
      Easy setup
    • 18
      Card Structure
    • 17
      Drag and drop attachments
    • 11
    • 10
      Markdown commentary on cards
    • 9
    • 9
      Integration with other work collaborative apps
    • 8
      Satisfying User Experience
    • 8
      Cross-Platform Integration
    • 7
      Recognizes GitHub commit links
    • 6
      Easy to learn
    • 5
    • 4
      Better than email
    • 4
      Versatile Team & Project Management
    • 3
      and lots of integrations
    • 3
      Trello’s Developmental Transparency
    • 3
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
    • 2
      Easy to have an overview of the project status
    • 2
      flexible and fast
    • 2
      Simple and intuitive
    • 1
      Name rolls of the tongue
    • 1
    • 1
      Email integration
    • 1
      Personal organisation
    • 1
    • 1
      Great organizing (of events/tasks)
    • 0
      Easiest way to visually express the scope of projects

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    Cons of Bitrix24
    Cons of Trello
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 5
        No concept of velocity or points
      • 4
        Very light native integrations
      • 2
        A little too flexible

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      What is Bitrix24?

      It is a free (for small businesses) social enterprise platform. It is a united work space which handles the many aspects of daily operations and tasks. Create your own social intranet in minutes.

      What is Trello?

      Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.

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      What companies use Trello?
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      What tools integrate with Trello?

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      Blog Posts

      What are some alternatives to Bitrix24 and Trello?
      With integrations to Google Apps, Office 365, MailChimp, and major social media sites; great mobile apps for tablets and smart phones; and easy access to a REST API for custom integration, Insightly is the leading small business CRM.
      It is an easy-to-use, web based, hosted CRM for small businesses. It automatically pulls leads from all your sources into a single, unified inbox. All contact data and conversations are synced in real time, and you can respond without switching apps.
      It is a web, mobile and desktop project management and collaboration system for teams.
      Capture the knowledge that's too often lost in email inboxes and shared network drives in Confluence instead – where it's easy to find, use, and update.
      Unique and powerful suite of software to run your entire business. It contains word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, note-taking, wikis, web conferencing, customer relationship management, project management, invoicing, and other applications.
      See all alternatives