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Docker Cloud

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Docker for AWS

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Docker Cloud vs Docker for AWS: What are the differences?

What is Docker Cloud? A hosted service for Docker container management and deployment. Docker Cloud is the best way to deploy and manage Dockerized applications. Docker Cloud makes it easy for new Docker users to manage and deploy the full spectrum of applications, from single container apps to distributed microservices stacks, to any cloud or on-premises infrastructure.

What is Docker for AWS? Install a Swarm of Docker Engines secured end to end with TLS by default on AWS. An integrated, easy-to-deploy environment for building, assembling, and shipping applications on AWS, Docker for AWS is a native AWS application optimized to take optimal advantage of the underlying AWS IaaS services while giving you a modern Docker platform that you can use to deploy portable apps.

Docker Cloud and Docker for AWS can be categorized as "Containers as a Service" tools.

DNT, Firecracker, and MetricAid are some of the popular companies that use Docker Cloud, whereas Docker for AWS is used by Trussle, Opsani, and Bontix. Docker Cloud has a broader approval, being mentioned in 21 company stacks & 6 developers stacks; compared to Docker for AWS, which is listed in 13 company stacks and 8 developer stacks.

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Pros of Docker Cloud
Pros of Docker for AWS
  • 9
    Easy to use
  • 2
    Seamless transition from docker compose
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    What is Docker Cloud?

    Docker Cloud is the best way to deploy and manage Dockerized applications. Docker Cloud makes it easy for new Docker users to manage and deploy the full spectrum of applications, from single container apps to distributed microservices stacks, to any cloud or on-premises infrastructure.

    What is Docker for AWS?

    An integrated, easy-to-deploy environment for building, assembling, and shipping applications on AWS, Docker for AWS is a native AWS application optimized to take optimal advantage of the underlying AWS IaaS services while giving you a modern Docker platform that you can use to deploy portable apps.

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    Blog Posts

    What are some alternatives to Docker Cloud and Docker for AWS?
    Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions.
    Cloud Foundry
    Cloud Foundry is an open platform as a service (PaaS) that provides a choice of clouds, developer frameworks, and application services. Cloud Foundry makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy, and scale applications.
    Docker Swarm
    Swarm serves the standard Docker API, so any tool which already communicates with a Docker daemon can use Swarm to transparently scale to multiple hosts: Dokku, Compose, Krane, Deis, DockerUI, Shipyard, Drone, Jenkins... and, of course, the Docker client itself.
    Docker Hub
    It is the world's easiest way to create, manage, and deliver your teams' container applications. It is the perfect home for your teams' applications.
    Heroku is a cloud application platform – a new way of building and deploying web apps. Heroku lets app developers spend 100% of their time on their application code, not managing servers, deployment, ongoing operations, or scaling.
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