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FullStory vs Mixpanel: What are the differences?

Key Differences between FullStory and Mixpanel

FullStory and Mixpanel are both popular analytics tools used by businesses to track user behavior and improve their products. While they have some similarities, there are several key differences that set them apart:

  1. Data Collection and Tracking: FullStory specializes in session replay and collects data on every user interaction. It captures detailed session recordings and allows users to analyze user behavior. On the other hand, Mixpanel focuses more on event-based tracking, allowing users to define and track custom events and perform complex event analysis.

  2. User Analytics: FullStory provides in-depth user analytics with features like heatmaps, funnels, and conversion tracking. It allows users to understand how users interact with their website or application at a granular level. Mixpanel, on the other hand, provides more behavioral and cohort analytics, allowing users to segment and analyze user groups over time.

  3. Integration and Compatibility: FullStory offers robust integrations with various platforms, including popular web and mobile frameworks. It seamlessly integrates with different products and allows users to gather insights from multiple sources. Mixpanel also provides integrations but primarily with web and mobile applications, making it more suitable for companies focused on mobile app analytics.

  4. Real-time Data: FullStory provides real-time data updates, allowing users to monitor user activity as it happens. This can be useful for immediate feedback and troubleshooting. Mixpanel, on the other hand, has a slight delay in data processing, which might not be as ideal for users who require real-time insights.

  5. Pricing Model: FullStory has a subscription-based pricing model with different tiers based on usage. The pricing is generally considered to be on the higher side, making it more suitable for larger enterprises with bigger budgets. Mixpanel offers a freemium model, allowing users to get started with basic features for free and then upgrade as their needs grow.

  6. Data Privacy and Compliance: FullStory is focused on ensuring data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR, providing features to make it easier for users to handle data protection requirements. Mixpanel also offers data privacy features but may require additional configuration to meet specific compliance needs.

In summary, FullStory specializes in user session replay and provides in-depth user analytics, while Mixpanel focuses more on event-based tracking and behavioral analysis. FullStory offers real-time data updates and robust integrations, but at a higher price point, while Mixpanel has a freemium model with a slight delay in data processing. Both tools are powerful and can be valuable for businesses, but the choice depends on specific requirements and budget considerations.

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Pros of FullStory
Pros of Mixpanel
  • 8
    See full user sessions
  • 5
    "Skip inactivity" during playback
  • 5
    Playback console errors as they happen
  • 5
    Speed up playback
  • 3
    Easy integration through Segment
  • 3
    Segment users based on actions
  • 3
    User event stream
  • 1
    CRAZY expensive after free plan
  • 144
    Great visualization ui
  • 108
    Easy integration
  • 78
    Great funnel funcionality
  • 58
  • 22
    A wide range of tools
  • 15
    Powerful Graph Search
  • 11
    Responsive Customer Support
  • 2
    Nice reporting

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Cons of FullStory
Cons of Mixpanel
  • 2
  • 1
    If you're using it via Segment, it's all or nothing
  • 1
    We'll never get through all the sessions recorded
  • 1
    Doesn't integrate with our exception monitoring
  • 2
    Messaging (notification, email) features are weak
  • 2
    Paid plans can get expensive
  • 1
    Limited dashboard capabilities

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What is FullStory?

FullStory’s unmatched analytics engine automatically indexes every digital interaction with your site or app and empowers teams to measure, validate, and act on each experience at scale.

What is Mixpanel?

Mixpanel helps companies build better products through data. With our powerful, self-serve product analytics solution, teams can easily analyze how and why people engage, convert, and retain to improve their user experience.

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Jul 2 2019 at 9:34PM


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What are some alternatives to FullStory and Mixpanel?
See how visitors are really using your website, collect user feedback and turn more visitors into customers.
LogRocket combines session replay, performance monitoring, and product analytics – empowering software teams to create the ideal product experience.
ClickTale tracks every mouse move, click and scroll, creating playable videos of customers’ entire browsing sessions as well as powerful visual heatmaps and behavioral reports that perfectly complement traditional web analytics. As a fully hosted subscription service, ClickTale is cost-effective and quick to set up.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
Inspectlet records videos of your visitors as they use your site, allowing you to see everything they do. See every mouse movement, scroll, click, and keypress on your site. You never need to wonder how visitors are using your site again.
See all alternatives