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Graylog vs What are the differences?

What is Graylog? Open source log management that actually works. Centralize and aggregate all your log files for 100% visibility. Use our powerful query language to search through terabytes of log data to discover and analyze important information.

What is Automatically convert logs from messy, hard-to-use, raw text to rich, useful, clean events. is a cloud based logging platform, specifically engineered for Ruby, Elixir and Node apps. It automatically structures your log data with it's open source packages, makes the lines readable, adds valuable context, and lets you easily create graphs and alerts from your logs.

Graylog and belong to "Log Management" category of the tech stack.

Graylog is an open source tool with 4.9K GitHub stars and 759 GitHub forks. Here's a link to Graylog's open source repository on GitHub.

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Pros of Graylog
Pros of
  • 19
    Open source
  • 13
  • 8
    Well documented
  • 6
  • 5
    User authentification
  • 5
    Flexibel query and parsing language
  • 3
    User management
  • 3
    Easy query language and english parsing
  • 3
    Alerts and dashboards
  • 2
    Easy to install
  • 1
    A large community
  • 1
    Manage users and permissions
  • 1
    Free Version
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    Cons of Graylog
    Cons of
    • 1
      Does not handle frozen indices at all
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      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is Graylog?

      Centralize and aggregate all your log files for 100% visibility. Use our powerful query language to search through terabytes of log data to discover and analyze important information.

      What is is a cloud based logging platform, specifically engineered for Ruby, Elixir and Node apps. It automatically structures your log data with it's open source packages, makes the lines readable, adds valuable context, and lets you easily create graphs and alerts from your logs.

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      Blog Posts

      What are some alternatives to Graylog and
      It provides the leading platform for Operational Intelligence. Customers use it to search, monitor, analyze and visualize machine data.
      Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. You can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them for later use (like, for searching). If you store them in Elasticsearch, you can view and analyze them with Kibana.
      It is a SaaS solution to manage your log data. There is nothing to install and updates are automatically applied to your Loggly subdomain.
      Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. Kibana is a snap to setup and start using. Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and powerful, just like Elasticsearch.
      Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of storing data and searching it in near real time. Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats and Logstash are the Elastic Stack (sometimes called the ELK Stack).
      See all alternatives