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MailChimp vs Mailtrain: What are the differences?


Key differences between MailChimp and Mailtrain are outlined below:

1. **Pricing Model**: MailChimp offers a freemium pricing model with limited features for free accounts and tiered pricing based on the number of subscribers. Mailtrain, on the other hand, is a self-hosted solution that is free to use without any restrictions on the number of subscribers or emails sent.

2. **Customization and Control**: MailChimp provides pre-designed templates and limited customization options for emails. In contrast, Mailtrain allows for complete customization and control over email templates, layouts, and designs, making it more flexible for users with specific branding or design preferences.

3. **Data Security**: MailChimp stores user data on their servers, making it susceptible to potential security breaches. Mailtrain, being self-hosted, enables users to have full control over their data and security measures, reducing the risk of third-party access to sensitive information.

4. **Integration and Automation**: MailChimp offers a wide range of integrations with other platforms and tools, as well as automation features for email marketing campaigns. Mailtrain, while lacking the same extensive integrations, allows for more personalized and manual control over automated campaigns.

5. **Compliance and Regulations**: MailChimp complies with international data protection regulations such as GDPR, Privacy Shield, and CAN-SPAM Act but may require users to take additional steps to ensure compliance. Mailtrain offers more straightforward compliance with regulations as users have direct control over data handling and storage on their servers.

6. **Support and Community**: MailChimp provides extensive customer support through email, chat, and knowledge base resources. Mailtrain, however, relies on community forums, online guides, and limited developer support, making it more suitable for users who are comfortable with self-managing their platform.

In Summary, MailChimp and Mailtrain differ in pricing models, customization options, data security, integration capabilities, compliance with regulations, and support resources, offering users a choice between a hosted service with convenience and a self-hosted solution with greater control.
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Pros of Mailchimp
Pros of Mailtrain
  • 259
    Smooth setup & ui
  • 248
    Mailing list
  • 148
    Robust e-mail creation
  • 120
    Integrates with a lot of external services
  • 109
    Custom templates
  • 59
    Free tier
  • 49
    Great api
  • 42
    Great UI
  • 33
    A/B Testing Subject Lines
  • 30
    Broad feature set
  • 11
    Subscriber Analytics
  • 9
    Great interface. The standard for email marketing
  • 8
    Great documentation
  • 8
    Mandrill integration
  • 7
  • 6
    Best deliverability; helps you be the good guy
  • 5
    Facebook Integration
  • 5
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
    Embedded signup forms
  • 2
  • 1
    Great logo
  • 1
  • 0
    Landing pages
  • 5
    Open Source
  • 4
  • 3
    Simple to setup and use.
  • 3
  • 1
    Nodejs, scales well
  • 1
    Simple to setup and get started

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Cons of Mailchimp
Cons of Mailtrain
  • 2
    Super expensive
  • 1
    Poor API
  • 1
    Charged based on subscribers as opposed to emails sent
  • 3
    Limited features

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

What is Mailchimp?

MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It's like your own personal publishing platform.

What is Mailtrain?

Mailtrain is a self hosted newsletter application built on Node.js (v5+) and MySQL (v5.5+ or MariaDB).

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What are some alternatives to Mailchimp and Mailtrain?
Twilio SendGrid
Twilio SendGrid's cloud-based email infrastructure relieves businesses of the cost and complexity of maintaining custom email systems. Twilio SendGrid provides reliable delivery, scalability & real-time analytics along with flexible API's.
Recognized as the leader in the marketing and sales automation for small businesses, ActiveCampaign helps over 70k growing businesses meaningfully connect and engage with their customers with personalized, intelligence-driven messages.
It is the first ECRM–an Ecommerce CRM designed for building personal and profitable relationships with your customers at scale. It uses customer insight, data, and smarter email marketing automation at scale. With the best customer experience, your brand will never blend in.
Campaign Monitor
Campaign Monitor makes it easy to attract new subscribers, send them beautiful email newsletters and see stunning reports on the results.
Mandrill is a new way for apps to send transactional email. It runs on the delivery infrastructure that powers MailChimp.
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