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Marathon vs Portainer: What are the differences?


This Markdown code provides a comparison between Marathon and Portainer, highlighting the key differences between the two platforms.

  1. Deployment Methodology: Marathon is a container orchestration tool that focuses on managing long-running applications in a production environment. It is designed for large-scale deployments and supports complex application scenarios. On the other hand, Portainer is a lightweight management UI for Docker, allowing users to easily manage Docker containers, images, networks, and volumes. It is more suitable for smaller deployments and development environments.

  2. User Interface: Marathon provides a web-based user interface that allows users to manage and monitor their application deployments. It offers advanced features such as health checks, load balancing, and scaling. In contrast, Portainer offers a user-friendly and intuitive graphical interface that simplifies the management of Docker containers. It provides a dashboard-like view of the Docker environment, making it easy to monitor and control containers.

  3. Supported Container Runtimes: Marathon has built-in support for running containers with Docker as the default runtime. It also supports other container runtimes such as Mesos containers and Windows containers. Portainer, on the other hand, is specifically designed for managing Docker containers and does not support other container runtimes out-of-the-box. It focuses solely on simplifying Docker container management.

  4. Scalability and Performance: Marathon is designed for large-scale deployments and can handle thousands of containers and applications running on a cluster of machines. It provides features like fault-tolerance and automatic recovery, ensuring high availability of applications. Portainer, being a lightweight management UI, may not scale well for large deployments. It is more suitable for smaller environments with a limited number of Docker containers.

  5. Integration with Container Orchestration Platforms: Marathon is tightly integrated with Apache Mesos, providing advanced scheduling and resource allocation capabilities. It can leverage the power of Mesos frameworks and plugins to enhance application deployments. On the other hand, Portainer is not specifically integrated with any container orchestration platform. It focuses mainly on simplifying Docker container management tasks.

  6. Security and Access Control: Marathon provides advanced security features such as authentication, fine-grained access control, and secure communication. It ensures that only authorized users have access to the application deployments and management functions. Portainer also offers authentication and access control mechanisms, but it may not have the same level of security features as Marathon.

In summary, Marathon is a container orchestration platform designed for large-scale deployments, offering advanced features and integration with Apache Mesos. Portainer, on the other hand, is a lightweight Docker container management UI that simplifies the management of Docker containers in smaller environments.

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Pros of Marathon
Pros of Portainer
  • 1
    High Availability
  • 1
    Powerful UI
  • 1
    Service Discovery
  • 1
    Load Balancing
  • 1
    Health Checks
  • 35
  • 26
    Great UI
  • 19
  • 12
    Easy to setup, gives a practical interface for Docker
  • 11
    Because it just works, super simple yet powerful
  • 11
    Fully featured
  • 9
    A must for Docker DevOps
  • 7
    Free and opensource
  • 5
  • 5
    It's simple, fast and the support is great
  • 4
    Template Support

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What is Marathon?

Marathon is an Apache Mesos framework for container orchestration. Marathon provides a REST API for starting, stopping, and scaling applications. Marathon is written in Scala and can run in highly-available mode by running multiple copies. The state of running tasks gets stored in the Mesos state abstraction.

What is Portainer?

It is a universal container management tool. It works with Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Swarm and Azure ACI. It allows you to manage containers without needing to know platform-specific code.

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What are some alternatives to Marathon and Portainer?
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