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Next.js vs Sails.js: What are the differences?


In this article, we will be discussing the key differences between Next.js and Sails.js.

  1. Server-side rendering vs. client-side rendering: Next.js is a framework that allows for server-side rendering (SSR), meaning that the initial render of a webpage is done on the server before being sent to the client. This can lead to faster page loads and improved SEO as search engine bots can easily crawl the fully rendered page. On the other hand, Sails.js is a server-side framework that primarily focuses on building API-based applications, making it more suitable for building single-page applications (SPAs) with client-side rendering.

  2. Scaling: Next.js has built-in server-side rendering capabilities, which makes it easier to scale applications by distributing the rendering workload across multiple servers. This is especially useful for applications that have a high volume of traffic. Sails.js, on the other hand, is more focused on building APIs and does not have the same level of built-in scalability for rendering as Next.js.

  3. Routing: Next.js provides a file-based routing system, where each page is represented by a corresponding file in the pages directory. This makes it easier to organize and maintain the routing structure of the application. Sails.js, on the other hand, follows a more traditional route-based approach, where routes are defined explicitly in a configuration file. This can provide more flexibility in defining complex routes but may require more configuration and maintenance.

  4. Data storage: Next.js does not provide a built-in data storage layer and is typically used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks such as React and Redux for managing state and handling data storage. Sails.js, on the other hand, provides an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Waterline, which allows for easy integration with different databases and provides a consistent interface for interacting with the data layer.

  5. Community and ecosystem: Next.js has gained significant popularity and has a large and active community. It has a rich ecosystem with a wide range of plugins and libraries available for different use cases. Sails.js, while also having an active community, is not as widely used and may have a smaller ecosystem in terms of available plugins and libraries.

  6. Learning curve and development speed: Next.js is built on top of React and follows similar patterns and conventions, making it easier for developers familiar with React to get started quickly. Sails.js, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, especially for developers who are new to server-side development or not familiar with the JavaScript ecosystem. However, once the initial learning curve is overcome, Sails.js can provide a faster development speed for building API-based applications.

In summary, Next.js and Sails.js have key differences in terms of rendering approach, scalability, routing, data storage, community and ecosystem, and learning curve and development speed.

Decisions about Next.js and Sails.js
Lucas Litton
Founder & CEO at Macombey · | 13 upvotes · 547.8K views

Next.js is probably the most enjoyable React framework our team could have picked. The development is an extremely smooth process, the file structure is beautiful and organized, and the speed is no joke. Our work with Next.js comes out much faster than if it was built on pure React or frameworks alike. We were previously developing all of our projects in Meteor before making the switch. We left Meteor due to the slow compiler and website speed. We deploy all of our Next.js projects on Vercel.

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Hey guys,

My backend set up is Prisma / GraphQL-Yoga at the moment, and I love it. It's so intuitive to learn and is really neat on the frontend too, however, there were a few gotchas when I was learning! Especially around understanding how it all pieces together (the stack). There isn't a great deal of information out there on exactly how to put into production my set up, which is a backend set up on a Digital Ocean droplet with Prisma/GraphQL Yoga in a Docker Container using Next & Apollo Client on the frontend somewhere else. It's such a niche subject, so I bet only a few hundred people have got a website with this stack in production. Anyway, I wrote a blog post to help those who might need help understanding it. Here it is, hope it helps!

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Pros of Next.js
Pros of Sails.js
  • 49
    Automatic server rendering and code splitting
  • 43
    Built with React
  • 33
    Easy setup
  • 26
  • 24
    Universal JavaScript
  • 22
    Zero setup
  • 21
    Static site generator
  • 12
    Simple deployment
  • 12
    Just JavaScript
  • 12
    Incremental static regeneration
  • 10
    Filesystem as an API
  • 10
    Frictionless development
  • 9
    Everything is a function
  • 9
    Well Documented
  • 8
    Has many examples and integrations
  • 8
  • 7
    Isomorphic React applications
  • 4
    File based routing + hooks built in
  • 2
  • 1
  • 49
    Data-driven apis
  • 47
    Waterline ORM
  • 37
  • 32
    Easy rest
  • 25
  • 21
    Open source
  • 19
    Service-oriented architecture
  • 18
  • 10
    Convension over configuration
  • 9
    Rails-like asset pipeline
  • 9
    Node machines and machinepacks
  • 7
    Easy route/controller generation
  • 6
    Ruby on Rails basic stuff for JS devs
  • 3
    CLI for scaffolding project pieces
  • 3
    WebSocket support
  • 1
    Supportive community

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Cons of Next.js
Cons of Sails.js
  • 9
    Structure is weak compared to Angular(2+)
  • 5
    Waterline ORM
  • 4
    Defaults to VueJS
  • 0
    Standard MVC

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