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Pingdom vs Runscope: What are the differences?

  1. Integration Capabilities: Pingdom primarily focuses on monitoring website performance and uptime, while Runscope is designed for API monitoring and testing. Runscope offers more advanced integration capabilities with various API testing tools and services, making it more suitable for businesses heavily reliant on APIs.
  2. Customization and Control: Runscope provides more in-depth customization options and control over API testing scenarios, allowing users to create complex test cases with specific parameters and conditions. On the other hand, Pingdom's monitoring features are more straightforward and tailored for website monitoring purposes.
  3. Collaboration Features: Runscope offers better collaboration features, such as team workspaces and shared environments, making it easier for teams to work together on API testing projects. Pingdom, on the other hand, is more suited for individual website monitoring tasks.
  4. Advanced Reporting: Runscope provides more detailed and customizable reporting options, allowing users to track and analyze API performance metrics in-depth. Pingdom offers basic reporting features that focus on website uptime and performance without extensive customization options.
  5. Alerting Mechanisms: Pingdom offers standard alerting mechanisms through email, SMS, and mobile push notifications. In contrast, Runscope provides more advanced alerting features, including integration with popular collaboration tools like Slack and PagerDuty for real-time notifications and incident management.
  6. Price and Scalability: Pingdom is more cost-effective for small to medium-sized businesses that require website monitoring, while Runscope tends to be pricier due to its advanced API testing and monitoring capabilities geared towards larger enterprises with complex API ecosystems.

In Summary, Pingdom and Runscope cater to different monitoring needs, with Pingdom focusing on website performance and uptime monitoring, while Runscope specializes in API testing and monitoring with advanced customization and collaboration features.

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Pros of Pingdom
Pros of Runscope
  • 224
    Simple and reliable
  • 103
    Monitoring your websites
  • 75
    Easy to use dashboard
  • 65
    Email, text & twitter alerts
  • 43
    Free tier
  • 23
    Performance data
  • 14
    Detailed Reports
  • 11
    Email Reports
  • 9
    Mobile App
  • 9
    Root Cause Analysis
  • 1
    30-day risk free trial
  • 1
    Easy setup
  • 1
    IOS app
  • 17
    Great features
  • 15
    Easy to use
  • 4
    Nicely priced
  • 4
    Free plan
  • 2
    No install needed - runs on cloud
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
    Dead simple and useful. Excellent
  • 1
    Awesome customer support
  • 1
    Import scripts from sources including Postman
  • 1
    Shareable Collections
  • 1
    Global & Collection level variables
  • 1
    Graphical view of response times historically
  • 1
    Integrations - StatusPage, PagerDuty, HipChat, Victorop
  • 1
    Run tests from multiple locations across globe
  • 1
    Schedule test collections to auto-run at intervals
  • 1
    Auto Re-run failed scheduled tests before notifying
  • 1
    Makes developing REST APIs easy
  • 1
    History feature - call history and response history
  • 1
    Restrict access by teams
  • 1
    Fully featured without looking cluttered
  • 1
    Can save and share scripts

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Cons of Pingdom
Cons of Runscope
  • 3
    UI is incredibly complicated
  • 3
  • 2
    Hard to set up alerts properly
    Be the first to leave a con

    Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

    What is Pingdom?

    Pingdom is an uptime monitoring service. When problems happen with a site that Pingdom monitors, it immediately alerts the owner so the problem can be taken care of.

    What is Runscope?

    Keep tabs on all aspects of your API's performance with uptime monitoring, integration testing, logging and real-time monitoring.

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    DockerSlackAmazon EC2+17
    What are some alternatives to Pingdom and Runscope?
    New Relic
    The world’s best software and DevOps teams rely on New Relic to move faster, make better decisions and create best-in-class digital experiences. If you run software, you need to run New Relic. More than 50% of the Fortune 100 do too.
    PagerDuty is an alarm aggregation and dispatching service for system administrators and support teams. It collects alerts from your monitoring tools, gives you an overall view of all of your monitoring alarms, and alerts an on duty engineer if there's a problem.
    Datadog is the leading service for cloud-scale monitoring. It is used by IT, operations, and development teams who build and operate applications that run on dynamic or hybrid cloud infrastructure. Start monitoring in minutes with Datadog!
    Monitoring a website is one thing – finding the best way to alert you to downtime another. At StatusCake we give you as many options as possible to decide when & how often you’re contacted. Whether it’s by email, SMS, push notifications for iOS & Android or integration with third party apps including Zapier and PagerDuty – you decide how you want to be alerted and when!
    It is the ultimate monitoring tool to stay in control of the uptime, performance, and functionality of your websites, APIs, and servers.
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