AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify

DevOps / Build, Test, Deploy / AWS Tools

I am now building a React Native app, and I don't know what to choose for my backend between AWS Amplify and Firebase. Which one fits more with react native?

3 upvotes·47K views
Replies (1)

Both AWS amplify and Google Firebase fit perfectly with RN. Both are useful for MVP development, where you need to quickly and cheaply(?) test a market idea, as by using one of these, you do not need a bunch of backend developers and DevOps people. Even a serious project can be completed by single freelancers, like I did for my current client. Let's try to compare them quickly...

Firebase : It's a feature-rich platform with all tools you need to make you up and running at a very affordable cost. It's easy to use and doesn’t have a high learning curve. It's for me best suited for small and medium-sized projects, as costs may become really prohibitive for projects with a huge amount of data transactions.

Amplify: A little bit more "advanced" platform that lets you leverage the power of AWS (as it is using CloudFormation (Infrastructure-as-a-code) behind the scenes, you can always add more resources). It offers GraphQL capabilities, that Firebase doesn't. I think it's more suitable for big projects as you can fine-tune the pricing depending on your needs.

FIrebase offers many services that do not exist in AWS Amplify (e.g. Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging, Analytics), so even if you go with Amplify as the main backend, there is a chance you will add Firebase into your project too for some of its essential features. And yes, both can live together in the same project, as they can be complementary.

Conclusion: if you're starting a project from scratch, and you're not already comfortable with AWS world, then go with Firebase :)

4 upvotes·1 comment·326 views
January 20th 2022 at 12:14AM

That is useful, thank you

Needs advice
AWS AmplifyAWS AmplifyFirebaseFirebase

I am currently working on a long term mobile app project. Current stack: Frontend: Dart/Flutter Backend: Go, AWS Resources (AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, etc.) Since there are only two developers and we have limited time and resources, we are looking for a BAAS like Firebase or AWS Amplify to handle auth and push notifications for now. We are prioritizing developing speed so we can iterate quickly. The only problem is that AWS amplify support for flutter is in developer preview and has limited capabilities (We have tested it out in our app). Firebase is the more mature option. It has great support for flutter and has more than we need for auth, notifications, etc. My question is that, if we choose firebase, we would be stuck with using two different cloud providers. Is this bad, or is this even a problem? I am willing to change anything on the backend architecture wise, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am somewhat unfamiliar with Google Cloud Platform. Thank you.

6 upvotes·268K views
Replies (1)
CEO at Kokoen GmbH·

I have never understood why using different vendors is such a big problem for many people. Each vendor is better than others for certain aspects, but no vendor is better than others for everything. At Kokoen, we usually host the applications we develop in AWS (EC2, RDS, S3), use Firebase (usually with for notifications, use Netlify for hosting certain SPAs, use Heroku to provide APIs directly from Git while we are still developing, MongoDB Cloud when we need NonSQL databases, etc..

3 upvotes·2K views
Backend Developer at Smash·

Hi all. I'm working on a mobile app that uses AWS Amplify to connect to Amazon Cognito and API Gateway, and I would like to extract the configuration info (user pool id, client id, region), so I can get it from a URL. How can I do this in the safest way?

2 upvotes·32K views