

Utilities / Application Utilities / Ecommerce
Founder at Der Mainbauer·
Needs advice

Hi folks

We want to move on from Shopify to a headless commerce system. We want to be able to manage multiple storefronts and integrate alternative order solutions like Whats App and social commerce etc. Same time we want to avoid full blown systems with a lot of unnecessary weight. My idea for the stack, so far:

  • Spree Commerce (Shop System),
  • Bloomreach (CMS),
  • Vue Storefront (Frontend)

I will have to integrate billing solution (like Invoice Ninja), LexOffice for accounting, Optimoroute for the salesman problem, and some more. So flexibility and "easy expandability" is a core demand. Having said that I came across Medusa. It looks promising and seems to check all the boxes. Any thoughts? Basically, it's a decision between Ruby and JavaScript, is it? Can you name me pros and cons of one or both of the systems? What are the serious challenges that I will face going down either one of the roads? Is there another solution that you would highly recommend?

I've linked our shop, currently running with Shopify.


Der Mainbauer (
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Amazon S3Amazon S3

Hi, I'm working on a project to integrate dat from Shopify (e-commerce platform) to Amazon Quicksight. I'm thinking about which database to use, either Amazon S3 or MySQL.

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DevOps at SoftwareHow·
Needs advice

Currently, I am using Shopify, and it's working fine somehow. I need to check the access and error logs I am able to do it. That's why thinking set up a WordPress instance on my server. I need a suggestion whether it is good or not. My current website is, please advise.

Thanks DealSalt

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Founder at That Software Guy·

Shopify is a hosted platform, so you won't be able to set up WordPress on the same server, because you don't control it. A few options exist though:

  • Shopify has a lightweight blogging platform you might use
  • You could create a WordPress blog on (or any other WordPress hosting service)
  • You could set up an account on a hosting service and install WordPress there.

Good luck!

13 upvotes·11K views
CTO & Co-Founder at Crazy Web Studio Co., Ltd.·

If the blog features provided by Shopify are too limited for your needs you could decide to create a dedicated blog WordPress based and connect it to a subdomain, like for example You could host your WordPress instance where you prefer and just modify the domain records to point your blog subdomain to your hosting. I suggest you also to take a look to Shopify JS Buy SDK and Shopify Buy Button JS technologies, if you'd like to integrate some Shopify features in your blog. Please, consider that there are also some SEO drawbacks to use an external platform for blogging on a subdomain. For Google a domain and subdomain have no relations. Therefore if you are going to put a lot of effort in creating content, get backlinks, etc on the blog, you'll improve the ranking of the blog subdomain and not the ranking of your store domain.

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E-Commerce Manager at FROG SAC·
Needs advice

Which email app is best for physical products ecom brands on Shopify? I currently run welcome email popups, welcome series emails, and newsletters through privy and am not really a fan.

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Director at The Clever Dudes Pty Ltd·

With Klaviyo we have managed to set up some really great loyalty and rewards programs for our clients without using an additional app in Shopify. Klaviyo's flows are easy to work with and 2-way tagging functionality allows you to easily create new segments and/or targeted campaigns as well as lookalike audiences.

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Dan Perks
Dan Perks
November 9th 2022 at 3:09PM

Klaviyo is your best choice by far!

Co-Founder at NOICE·

Definitely Klaviyo. Totally integrates, can drive up sell, does not require developer skills, easy to create a template, great analytics . You do however want to make sure it is set up by an expert, and that it sends from a “clean” domain.

2 upvotes·83 views

Hey StackShare community,

Now I want to shift my career and I want to choose to learn between two paths. First path - learning of blockchain to be a blockchain developer. The second path is the Shopify platform. So any advice to consider which path.


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Software Consultant at timlittletech·
Needs advice

Hi there, I am trying to figure out if it's worth creating a Braintree account to do subscription billing in my Shopify store. The goal is to have as little custom code as possible for the store but be able to do subscription billing services, we already have a PayPal business account, but from the looks of it, we can't use PayWhirl directly with Paypal.

7 upvotes·101.1K views
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For learning purposes, I am trying to design a dashboard that displays the total revenue from all connected webshops/marketplaces, displaying incoming orders, total orders, etc.

So I will need to get the data (using Node backend) from the Shopify and marketplace APIs, storing this in the database, and get the data from the back end.

My question is:

What kind of database should I use? Is MongoDB fine for storing this kind of data? Or should I go with a SQL database?

8 upvotes·262.7K views
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Software Engineer at Cafe Bazaar·

Postgres is a solid database with a promising background. In the relational side of database design, I see Postgres as an absolute; Now the arguments and conflicts come in when talking about NoSQL data types. The truth is jsonb in Postgres is efficient and gives a good performance and storage. In a comparison with MongoDB with the same resources (such as RAM and CPU) with better tools and community, I think you should go for Postgres and use jsonb for some of the data. All in all, don't use a NoSQL database just cause you have the data type matching this tech, have both SQL and NoSQL at the same time.

10 upvotes·238.4K views

I have found MongoDB easier to work with. Postgres and SQL in general, in my experience, is harder to work with. While Postgres does provide data consistency, MongoDB provides flexibility. I've found the MongoDB ecosystem to be really great with a good community. I've worked with MongoDB in production and it's been great. I really like the aggregation system and using query operators such as $in, $pull, $push.

While my opinion may be unpopular, I have found MongoDB really great for relational data, using aggregations from a code perspective. In general, data types are also more flexible with MongoDB.

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Product at Titan Casket·

We sell a high-touch, high ASP product (caskets) and have scaled to where we're adding several more customer service agents to our company. Customers often call or chat with us multiple times prior to the purchase and post-purchase, as these are emotional, time-sensitive purchases. Nearly every customer contacts us pre-purchase. We are a Shopify shop. Customer service is our brand.

We need a solution that allows whoever picks up the chat or phone to quickly see the history of that customer, their request, notes, and the status of their order. We need a powerful chat tool that can enable immediate engagement, have some basic automation, and allows users to drop in.

Finally, we also have some B2B customers (funeral homes) and expect this part of our business to grow significantly in 2021.

5 upvotes·31.3K views
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Hey Joshua,

Would recommend using Freshdesk as your tool of choice. It has a direct integration with Shopify and other tools including powerful B2B customer handling. It also satisfies all the requirements you’ve outlined including order history, interaction history, notes, tickets etc. Along with Omni channel integrations with chat (their own or other chat solutions), email, phone and so on.

My company, JindalX can help you set up your customer service automation and journeys along with helping handle any extra volume through our own customer service reps if required. Can provide you with a free assessment if needed? Let me know, I’m contactable at

Best, Madhav

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Joshua Siegel
Joshua Siegel
January 6th 2021 at 7:17AM

Thanks! Will take a look and reach out if we need a boost!

President at Learn About Green LLC·

ActiveCampaign can do all of this for you. They have really great support. Their automation is second to none. They have a chat bot capability. They also have an integrated capability where you see everything related to the one customer in one spot - all their interactions with you, and can move the customer through your custom stages. If you do go with ActiveCampaign, I HIGHLY recommend that you take their paid training. It will really help you get up faster and understand the product deeper, and not waste time. I think they have the training every month. ActiveCampaign is difficult to learn on your own since it is so full featured. Sign up for a trial through a salesperson and then ask if it is possible to get in the class for less money. ActiveCampaign integrates with Shopify also.

If you don't go with ActiveCampaign, then Zoho would be my second choice. But their support and quality is not as good, they feel like a new product even though they have been in business a while. You keep having to get around their bugs, which you can, it is just annoying. ZohoOne may be less expensive than ActiveCampaign.

Both products are so full-featured that they both take quite a while to learn.

3 upvotes·1 comment·8.8K views
Joshua Siegel
Joshua Siegel
January 27th 2021 at 2:12PM

Thanks! Will take a look at both - hadn't heard of ActiveCampaign. We're making a call later in Q1. Really appreciate your response.

Graphic Designer at Amy Day Design·
Needs advice

I have a client who has multiple eCommerce sites on Shopify, and doesn't want to leave Shopify but wants a web-design overhaul. Can I use Webflow to design the site and Shopify to host? Are these platforms compatible? Or other good advice for a user-friendly yet detailed page builder to be used with Shopify, not loving Shogun.

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Web Developer at Soltech LLC·

Hey Amy, Webflow makes it possible to design the site in the program, then export the html and css into Shopify. For instance, if you know the Shopify templating language, then you can design the site in Webflow, then export the site, and do the Shopify templating and upload to the Shopify site.

Now, if you are not into web development, and that looks like too much, then I would recommend purchasing a template from Shopify for them and update their site that way.

We would also be happy to help if you would like to outsource any of the work.

Hope this helps!

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