I would like to evaluate a good option to migrate an existing WordPress portal, where the customer can continue to access the news and also have a private area where they can receive personalised information and can demand or interact with the company and also have mobile support on both iOS and Android.

Currently the whole back system is in SAP and my main doubts are;

  • Best solution for the web portal that can generate content and can render well in the mobile solution.
  • Best option for the mobile implementation of the same portal and its private area ( React Native?)
5 upvotes·15.8K views
Replies (2)
CTO/founder at Meet Kinksters·

No shade on the hard work of/on Ionic and Cordova over the years, but they are not the future and you will be going down a dead-end for maintainability going forward. React Native is an excellent bridge for any pre-existing JavaScript/TypeScript skills you might already have from web development.

Flutter is worth considering as a close second but I would recommend RN for the above reasons. Also consider using Expo to ease your build process.

2 upvotes·1 comment·15.5K views
Jesús C
Jesús C
December 1st 2022 at 12:09PM

Thank you very much for your recommendation @Brad!

I'll catch up with Expo!


I think that React Native or Vue Native is the best choice for modern cross-platform mobile applications. And both of these frameworks have a large community. Apache Cordova was the pioneer in this way. We used it in projects in 2014. Ionic is also an old tool and in 2014 it was based at Apache Cordova. I don't think that it has so a big community like React Native or Vue Native.

For a web system, React or Vue is a good and modern choice too.

5 upvotes·1 comment·16.4K views
phon xay
phon xay
January 6th 2023 at 10:07AM

Does WordPress have API ready - if so use it

Avatar of Brad Jones

Brad Jones

CTO/founder at Meet Kinksters