UI/UX Designer, Web Developer ·
Needs advice
Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

For a beginner developer, what tool is most suitable for coding, Brackets or Visual Studio Code?

I am having some issues doing some inline CSS coding using Vscode but it is possible with Brackets. Polls have it saying Vscode is the most suitable for web development, so which is the best?

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Replies (3)
Freelance Developer at DGTEpro·
Visual Studio Code

Both tools should can handle all css correctly however bugs can occur. As a user of open source software I feel it's a responsibility to report these bugs whenever they are experienced. For VS yuo can report a bug here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug_report.md

It may not be a bug though, VS code has many options for formatting code and also many plugins to extend these options further. If you have a formatting issue you could try the vscode-css-formatter here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aeschli.vscode-css-formatter

If none of these suggestions are helpful please provide a little more infomration about the problem you're experiencing.

In my opionon VS is far superior to brackets. Not just because of the incredible list of plugins but also for it's speed and huge list of configurations options.

3 upvotes·331 views
Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is, in general, a better editor. Not only that, but support will soon end for Brackets, and they have recommended that all of their users switch to VSCode. VSCode also has many extensions that could help with any things that you may feel lacking, or you could open an issue if you feel that it is a bug. I have used VSCode for years and it has not let me down.

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Chidumebi Ifemena

UI/UX Designer, Web Developer