Needs advice

I am a beginner, and I am totally confused, which of these 3 languages to learn first. Go, Rust, or Python. As my studies are going which of them will be easy to learn with studies that is, I can learn and do my studies also. Which one of them will be easily handled with my studies, and will be much much useful in future?

8 upvotes387.1K views
Replies (17)

I have experience in all three languages, and you should learn python first. These are three different languages (read: tools) to solve different problems you may have. Python is a high level language you can use for writing cross-platform scripts, web servers, AI, websites (e.g. Django) and the list goes on. Python can be used for most programming tasks while being the easiest to learn of the three and probably the most productive as well.

A lot of tech companies start out with Python for their web services, but due to Pythons slow speed and the pain that comes with dynamically typed languages when the code base grows, switch to Go later on when they need to scale. Go is a systems language that thrives when used for high performance cloud/web or networking services. Go is used in performance critical networking situations such as Twitch's streaming services and Uber's geofence services. It's also very clean and simple syntax that makes it very easy to quickly understand what code does.

Python is an interpreted language and Go is a garbage collected language, but Rust is a highly performant and reliable compiled programming language without the extra baggage of runtime memory management. Rust forces you to follow coding patterns that assure memory safety. This makes Rust a perfect fit for high performance algorithms, game engines or safety-critical systems, but would be overkill for web servers or scripts on modern hardware.

5 upvotes1 comment311.2K views
Gabriel Nelle
Gabriel Nelle
January 28th 2021 at 8:36AM

Good description on the languages. Though I'd recommend to start with Go instead as described in my recommendation.


python is a good language to start for the beginner.

12 upvotes2 comments322.3K views
Jason Bazinet
Jason Bazinet
January 23rd 2021 at 6:39AM

I am starting out from scratch, and I chose Python as well.

扦arvit Kumar
扦arvit Kumar
January 20th 2021 at 7:02AM

Thanks a lot

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